#load "nums.cma";; open Big_int;; let rec generate_combinations a1 a2 b1 b2 = let rec generate_single_number a b lim = if gt_big_int b lim then [] else [power_big_int_positive_big_int a b] @ generate_single_number a (succ_big_int b) lim in if gt_big_int a1 a2 then [] else (generate_single_number a1 b1 b2) @ (generate_combinations (succ_big_int a1) a2 b1 b2);; let rec uniq lst = match lst with [] -> [] | hd :: tl when List.exists (fun x -> eq_big_int x hd) tl -> uniq tl | hd :: tl -> [hd] @ uniq tl;; let a1 = big_int_of_int 2;; let a2 = big_int_of_int 100;; let b1 = big_int_of_int 2;; let b2 = big_int_of_int 100;; Printf.printf "%d\n" (List.length (uniq (generate_combinations a1 a2 b1 b2)));;Quick to come up but not so fast uniq function.
jeudi 29 avril 2010
Project Euler #29
mercredi 28 avril 2010
Project Euler #28
let make_spiral n = if n mod 2 = 0 then raise (Invalid_argument "Size should be odd"); let res = Array.make_matrix n n 0 in let last_value = n * n in let current_value = ref 1 in let i = ref (n / 2) in let j = ref (n / 2) in let shift = ref 1 in let delta = ref 1 in res.(!i).(!j) <- !current_value; while !current_value < last_value do for k = 1 to !shift do if !current_value < last_value then begin j := !j + !delta; current_value := !current_value + 1; res.(!i).(!j) <- !current_value; end; done; for k = 1 to !shift do if !current_value < last_value then begin i := !i + !delta; current_value := !current_value + 1; res.(!i).(!j) <- !current_value; end; done; delta := - !delta; shift := !shift + 1; done; res;; let sum_diagonals arr = let size = Array.length arr in let sum = ref 0 in for i = 0 to size - 1 do sum := !sum + arr.(i).(i) + arr.(i).(size - 1 - i) done; !sum - 1;; Printf.printf "%d\n" (sum_diagonals (make_spiral 1001));;Very bad OCaml ;)
lundi 26 avril 2010
Project Euler #23
(* generates array with values [1..n] *) let rec range_array n = if n == 1 then [| n |] else Array.append (range_array (n - 1)) [| n |];; (* calculates sum of proper divisors of given number *) let sum_of_proper_divisors n = let limit = n / 2 in let rec sum_divisors k l = if k > l then 0 else if n mod k = 0 then k + sum_divisors (k + 1) l else sum_divisors (k + 1) l in if n = 1 then 1 else sum_divisors 1 limit;; (* checks whether given number is abundant*) let is_abundant n = n < sum_of_proper_divisors n;; (* generates array of abundant number less than given number *) let find_abundant_numbers n = let rec gen_numbers k = if k = n then [||] else if is_abundant k then Array.append [| k |] (gen_numbers (k + 1)) else gen_numbers (k + 1) in gen_numbers 12;; let binary_search (data:'a array) elem = let rec iter a b = if a = b then -1 else let median = a + (b - a)/2 in match data.(median) with | value when value = elem -> median | value when value < elem -> iter (median + 1) b | _ -> iter a median in iter 0 (Array.length data);; let make_possible_sums a = let len = (Array.length a) - 1 in let res = Array.make_matrix (len + 1) (len + 1) 0 in for i = 0 to len do for j = i to len do res.(i).(j) <- a.(i) + a.(j) done done; res;; (* sets all elements of a found in s to 0 *) let refine_array a s = let to_delete = Array.make (Array.length a) false in let l1 = Array.length s in let l2 = Array.length s.(0) in for i = 0 to l1 - 1 do for j = 0 to l2 - 1 do let idx = binary_search a s.(i).(j) in if idx != -1 then to_delete.(idx) <- true done done; for i = 0 to (Array.length to_delete) - 1 do if to_delete.(i) then a.(i) <- 0 done;; let all_numbers = range_array 28123;; let abundant_numbers_sums = make_possible_sums (find_abundant_numbers 28123);; refine_array all_numbers abundant_numbers_sums;; Printf.printf "%d\n" (Array.fold_left (+) 0 all_numbers);;Straightforward and very slow but correct solution ;)
vendredi 23 avril 2010
Project Euler #21
let proper_divisors_sum n = let limit = n / 2 in let rec proper_divisors_list n k = if k > limit then [] else if n mod k = 0 then [k] @ (proper_divisors_list n (k + 1)) else proper_divisors_list n (k + 1) in List.fold_left (+) 0 (proper_divisors_list n 1);; let amicable_numbers_sum n = let rec amicable_numbers k = if k > n then [] else let b = proper_divisors_sum k in let a = proper_divisors_sum b in if (a != b) && (a = k) then [k] @ (amicable_numbers (k + 1)) else amicable_numbers (k + 1) in List.fold_left (+) 0 (amicable_numbers 2);; Printf.printf "%d\n" (amicable_numbers_sum 10000);;Quite straightforward and surely using lists ;) Actually we can sum without intermediate lists.
dimanche 18 avril 2010
Project Euler #24
(* swaps elements of indexes i and j in array a*) let swap a i j = let t = a.(i) in a.(i) <- a.(j); a.(j) <- t;; (* reverses part of array a from index i to the end of array*) let reverse a i = let l = (Array.length a) - 1 in for k = 0 to (l - i)/2 do swap a (i + k) (l - k) done;; (* generates next permutation of array *) let make_next_permutation a = let j = ref 0 in let l = ref 0 in for i = 0 to (Array.length a) - 2 do if a.(i) < a.(i+1) then j.contents <- i done; for i = 0 to (Array.length a) - 1 do if a.(!j) < a.(i) then l.contents <- i done; swap a !j !l; reverse a (!j+1);; let make_permutations a = let t = ref 1 in while !t < 1000000 do make_next_permutation a; t := (!t + 1); done;; let t = [| 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9 |];; make_permutations t;; Array.iter (Printf.printf "%d") t;; Printf.printf "\n";;
Весьма императивное решение, с использованием ссылок.
lundi 12 avril 2010
Project Euler #22
#load "str.cma";; let char_value c = (int_of_char c) - (int_of_char 'A') + 1;; let word_value s = let word_length = String.length s in let rec sum_letters s n = if n == 0 then char_value s.[0] else (char_value s.[n]) + (sum_letters s (n-1)) in sum_letters s (word_length - 1);; let line_stream_of_channel channel = Stream.from (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None);; let lines datafile = let xs = ref [] in Stream.iter (fun x -> xs := x :: !xs) (line_stream_of_channel (open_in datafile)); List.rev !xs;; let content = List.sort (String.compare) (List.map (fun x -> let l = String.length x in String.sub x 1 (l - 2)) (List.concat (List.map (Str.split (Str.regexp_string ",")) (lines (Sys.argv.(1))))));; let rec sum l n = match l with h :: t -> ((word_value h) * n) + (sum t (n+1)) | [] -> 0;; Printf.printf "%d\n" (sum content 1)
Project Euler #18 and #67
#load "str.cma";; #load "nums.cma";; let array_of_string delim s = Array.of_list (List.map (int_of_string) (Str.split (Str.regexp_string delim) s));; let line_stream_of_channel channel = Stream.from (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None);; let lines datafile = let xs = ref [] in Stream.iter (fun x -> xs := x :: !xs) (line_stream_of_channel (open_in datafile)); List.rev !xs;; let content = Array.of_list (List.map (array_of_string " ") (lines (Sys.argv.(1))));; (* r1 - long array, r2 - short array *) let max_row r1 r2 = let lr2 = Array.length r2 in let sum = Array.make lr2 0 in for i = 0 to lr2 - 1 do sum.(i) <- max (r1.(i) + r2.(i)) (r1.(i+1) + r2.(i)) done; sum;; let calc_sum tr = let tl = Array.length tr in for n = tl - 1 downto 1 do tr.(n-1) <- (max_row tr.(n) tr.(n-1)) done; tr.(0).(0);; Printf.printf "%s\n" (string_of_int (calc_sum content))
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